1500 Multi Country Apparel & Clothing Buyers Contact List

$ 599.00

  • EUR: €610.98
  • GBP: £ 539.10

All our Buyers Database are Verified and compiled by GBA editors.


International Garments Buyer list & Apparel Buyers Contact details

International Garments Buyer list & Apparel Buyers Contact details

Expand Your Global Garment Export Business with Our International Garments Buyer List and Apparel Buyer Contacts. Seamlessly Connect with Worldwide Buyers to Meet Their Procurement Requirements.

Listed below is an example of the sort of information contained on this list:

Company Name: 1500+ Available
Contact Name: 1150 + Available
Company Address: 1500 + Available
Phone Number: 1500 + Available
Fax Number: 1000 + Available
E-mail Address: 1500 + Available
Website Address: 1500 + Available

Merchandise Range: Women’s Garment, Men’s Clothing, Kids wear Apparel, Sportswear, ladies’ Dresses, women’s Casual Wear, Knitwear, Jackets, Coats, Tops, Tunics, Pants, Shirts, T-Shirts.

Our Main Customers: Garment Exporters, Fashion Designers, Trade Show Organizers, Buying Agencies, Trading Companies.

Delivery Details: Automatic download after payment. Once the payment is made you’ll be redirected to download link, also you can check your email for the download link.

CONNECT WITH DECISION MAKERS: Who are responsible for selecting Apparel & Clothing

Whose titles are: Buyer, Owner, Director, Vice president, and Ceo.

Our database includes contact information of wholesale importers and retail buyers from the following countries:

Austria, BARBADOS, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, CROATIA, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, LATVIA

LUXEMBOURG, Norway, Poland, Portugal, ROMANIA, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Fashion Brand: Connect with Elite Apparel Buyers through Our Cutting-Edge Global Garment Buyers Contact List. Our meticulously curated database features a wealth of high-end retail stores, renowned fashion brands, and exclusive designer boutiques, providing comprehensive and authenticated contact details such as company names, key contacts, addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Precision in targeting the ideal buyers is paramount for elevating sales and growing your presence in the fiercely competitive fashion industry. With our International Garments Buyer database, you have the ultimate resource to forge meaningful connections with your target audience.

Database updated on March/05/2024